July 2024

66450493762f2220671669 - Somatoform disorders

Somatoform disorders

Somatoform disorders: medical and psychotherapeutic support Health affects body and mind. Treating somatoform disorders with a holistic approach that includes medical and psychotherapeutic support is the focus of our discussion today. How can we effectively and comprehensively address the challenges posed by these disorders? Medical approaches to the treatment of somatoform disorders 1. Medication Psychotropic […]

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66450493762f2220671669 - Depressive disorders

Depressive disorders

Depressive disorders: understanding symptoms, causes and treatment options Depressive disorders are an immense burden in everyday life. Individual well-being and interpersonal relationships suffer in equal measure. But what are the causes and symptoms of this widespread mental illness? Symptoms of depression disorders Depressive disorders manifest themselves through a variety of symptoms that can have a

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66450493762f2220671669 - The inner compass

The inner compass

Introduction We are confronted with various stressors on a daily basis. This blog post is about the inner compass that helps us to remain stable and balanced even in turbulent times. The inner compass for self-management with values Values give us a clear direction and enable us to remain steadfast even in difficult times. A

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Ten effective strategies for boosting self-confidence

Self-confidence is the key to a fulfilled and self-determined life. Have you ever wondered how you can boost your self-confidence and build a strong foundation for personal growth? In this blog post, we will share ten effective strategies to help you strengthen your self-confidence and approach your goals with confidence. Let’s dive into the world

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66450493762f2220671669 - Seven tips for strength-based leadership and team building

Seven tips for strength-based leadership and team building

Introduction Did you know that applying strengths-based leadership can be the key to sustainably strengthening your team? Strengths-based leadership is not just a management strategy, but aims to specifically recognise and utilise the individual strengths of each team member. In this blog post, we dive deeper into strengths-based leadership and effective strategies for fostering healthy

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66450493762f2220671669 - Seven effective strategies for boosting self-esteem

Seven effective strategies for boosting self-esteem

Let’s start with a fascinating fact: self-esteem plays a crucial role in our emotional well-being and self-perception. So how can we boost our self-esteem and treat ourselves with more compassion and self-love? In this blog post, we will explore seven effective strategies to help you boost your self-esteem and build a healthier self-image. Let’s go

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66450493762f2220671669 - Maladaptive schemas

Maladaptive schemas

An exploration of the origins and effects of early negative experiences on the development of maladaptive schemas begins with the question: How do our early experiences shape our thought patterns and behaviours in adulthood? The link between childhood trauma and maladaptive schemas sheds light on the complexity of the human psyche. How early negative experiences

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Löffel, spoons

The Spoon Theory

The Spoon Theory: An understanding of energy management in chronic diseases The Spoon Theory, developed by Christine Miserandino, creatively describes the daily challenges faced by people with chronic illnesses and limited energy. Using the example of ‘spoons’ as strength units, she shows how those affected must consciously plan their activities to avoid overexertion. This simple

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66450493762f2220671669 - Emotional triggers in childhood trauma

Emotional triggers in childhood trauma

Signs, effects and treatment approaches for emotional triggers in childhood trauma Among childhood trauma survivors, emotional triggers are often a challenge that can impact both daily life and mental health. Treating emotional triggers in childhood trauma survivors is a complex process that requires individualised and specialised approaches. Let’s dive into the critical role that professional

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