August 2024

66450493762f2220671669 - Personal and professional development

Personal and professional development

Personal and professional development: Strategies for a fulfilling life The key to a fulfilling life lies in a harmonised relationship between personal and professional development. How do these two aspects influence our wellbeing and quality of life? In this blog post, we dive deeper into the importance of personal and professional development and discover effective strategies […]

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66450493762f2220671669 - Psychosomatic pain

Psychosomatic pain

Understanding and coping with psychosomatic pain Psychosomatic pain affects the lives of many people around the world. This pain, which has no organic cause, is the result of unresolved emotional conflicts and stress. This article is about psychosomatic pain – from causes and symptoms to treatment options and self-management techniques. Let’s take a look at

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66450493762f2220671669 - Empathy in teamwork

Empathy in teamwork

The importance of empathy for successful teamwork Did you know that empathy is one of the most important leadership skills for improving team dynamics in the long term? In a world characterised by collaboration and efficiency, the ability to empathise with the feelings and perspectives of others plays a crucial role. Find out in this

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66450493762f2220671669 - Overcoming a religious trauma in childhood

Overcoming a religious trauma in childhood

Religious trauma has far-reaching and lasting consequences for those affected. They face enormous emotional hurdles. The effects of religious trauma on personal growth Feelings of guilt, anxiety and a disturbed self-image are central to those affected. These consequences also extend into all relationships. Emotional blockages: Those affected have difficulty dealing with emotional pain and accepting

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66450493762f2220671669 - 7 tips for strength-based leadership and team building

7 tips for strength-based leadership and team building

Introduction Did you know that the application of strengths-based leadership can be the key to sustainably strengthening your team? Strengths-based leadership is not just a management strategy, but aims to recognise and utilise the individual strengths of each team member. In this blog post, we dive deeper into strengths-based leadership and effective strategies for fostering

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66450493762f2220671669 - Religion, childhood trauma, and health

Religion, childhood trauma, and health

Religion and childhood trauma and their long-term effects on mental health How do traumatic religious experiences influence well-being and quality of life in later life? In this blog post, we explore the complex relationships and therapeutic approaches. Long-term effects of religious trauma in childhood The long-term effects of religious trauma in childhood on the mental

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66450493762f2220671669 - Strengthen relationships

Strengthen relationships

Tips for improving your partnership From romantic relationships to friendships and family ties, interpersonal relationships play a crucial role in our well-being and quality of life. This post is about how you can take your relationships to the next level through communication, conflict resolution, appreciation and gratitude. The workbook LISTENING FIRST: THE WORKBOOK FOR UNDERSTANDING.

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