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Emotional and psychological well-being

Proven methods for promoting emotional well-being

Emotional well-being refers to the ability to recognise, accept and respond appropriately to the experience of different emotions.

Mental wellbeing encompasses cognitive and emotional health, including the ability to cope with stress and maintain a realistic self-perception.

Emotional and psychological well-being are important for mental balance.

  1. Self-awareness
    It helps you to stay in the moment and break through negative thought spirals. Integrate journaling into your everyday life. Learn to recognise your emotions and deal with them constructively.
  2. Self-care
    Take time for yourself and do things that bring you joy. Practise self-compassion and avoid self-judgement.
  3. Goals and successes
    Set yourself daily goals and celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may be.

Tips for improving your general well-being

Stress management

Relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises or progressive muscle relaxation and time for physical activity and relaxation are important.

Recognise negative thought patterns

Learn to recognise negative thought patterns and replace them with realistic thoughts. Work with a therapist to overcome deeply rooted negative self-beliefs.

Mastering emotional triggers

Review your memories of situations that have caused strong emotional reactions and identify your triggers. Develop strategies to deal with your emotional triggers, such as distraction tactics or self-soothing techniques. If necessary, seek the support of a therapist to deal with underlying causes.

When help is needed …

During coaching, with the support of your coach, you will develop action plans that are tailored to your individual needs and challenges. In a safe and trusting environment, you will learn to recognise your emotions and deal with them constructively. Coaching helps managers to understand the patterns of emotional problems and to bring about change.

Psychotherapeutic support

For those struggling with past trauma, psychotherapeutic support helps them to process and grow from traumatic experiences. Psychotherapy offers specialised techniques and interventions to address trauma in a safe and effective way. Long-term therapeutic relationships promote growth after traumatic experiences and support those affected on their journey.

However, psychotherapy is not only aimed at trauma, but also at unconscious conflicts or self-damaging patterns of thinking, feeling and behaviour. Therapists work together with their patients to identify the key therapeutic goals that need to be fulfilled for stable well-being. Through continuous work, patients achieve long-term changes in their thinking, feeling and behaviour.

The importance of emotional and psychological well-being

When the soul gets out of balance, anxiety and depression are the result.

Studies have shown that a positive mental state even strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of physical illness. Mental balance supports mental health in the long term.

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