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Childhood trauma: Coping

Coping with childhood trauma: effective coping strategies

Living with childhood trauma is a challenge. Therapy shows ways of dealing effectively with emotional stress and personal growth. In everyday life, this requires the development of coping strategies – proven methods and techniques to restore inner balance in trigger situations.

What do you need for effective coping strategies?

Identification of coping mechanisms

  • What coping mechanisms do you already use? What helps?
  • Recognising unhealthy coping strategies and replacing them with healthy alternatives
  • Establishing an emotional support network of family, friends and professionals

Coping with emotional triggers

  • Dealing with emotional triggers through self-awareness and self-reflection
  • Developing techniques for emotion regulation such as breathing exercises, grounding and progressive muscle relaxation
  • Integrating self-compassion and positive self-talk into everyday life

Building healthy coping strategies

  • Self-care through regular exercise, a healthy diet and sufficient sleep
  • Inclusion of creative forms of expression such as art therapy or music therapy in the healing process

Coping strategies for emotion regulation in the case of childhood trauma

Breathing exercises

  • 4×4 breathing reduces stress.
  • Regular breathing exercises strengthen emotional stability and self-regulation

Physical exercise as a balance

  • Sporting activities such as jogging, but also yoga or dancing release endorphins and increase well-being.
  • Exercise releases pent-up negative emotions and improves body awareness. Both strengthen self-confidence.

Self-compassion and positive conversations with the inner child

  • Treat yourself with love and develop compassion for your inner child.
  • Be the comforter and protector for your inner child against the inner critic.

Support and professional help in overcoming childhood trauma


  • Special therapy programmes for dealing with childhood trauma
  • Individual therapy or group therapy options for a supportive framework

Self-help groups and online resources

  • Exchange with like-minded people in self-help groups
  • Online platforms and forums with information, advice and additional support

For further support and psychotherapeutic services, I recommend contacting renowned organisations such as the German-speaking Society for Psychotraumatology (DeGPT), which offers comprehensive resources and directories of therapists.

What exactly does “coping” mean and why is it important in overcoming childhood trauma?

Coping refers to the strategies and mechanisms for dealing with stressful situations or stressful events. In the context of childhood trauma, coping strategies are of crucial importance as they help those affected to regulate their emotions and deal constructively with trauma reactions.

What role do emotion regulation techniques play in coping with childhood trauma?

Emotion regulation techniques such as breathing exercises, grounding and physical exercise are essential components of coping with childhood trauma. These techniques control negative emotions, reduce stress and restore mental balance.

How can I incorporate self-help groups into my personal growth?

Self-help groups offer a valuable opportunity to share experiences with other sufferers, empathy and mutual support. You will feel less alone and gain important insights into how to cope with your trauma.

How can I integrate self-compassion and self-care into my daily coping routine?

The practice of self-compassion and self-care means treating yourself with love and support, and strengthening your self-esteem.

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