Dirk Stemper

Overcoming self-loathing: Ways to more self-worth and inner peace

Self-Loathing: Understanding and Overcoming Inner Struggles Self-loathing, or self-hatred, is a pervasive and destructive emotion characterized by an intense dislike of oneself. It can manifest as a constant feeling of worthlessness, self-criticism, and an inability to accept oneself. This emotional state can lead to various mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and a diminished sense […]

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Tormenting childhood memories

Personal growth, despite tormenting childhood memories Tormenting childhood memories that keep coming to the surface disturb our inner balance. Overcoming them is a challenging and exhausting process, but effective strategies and therapeutic approaches can help you find inner peace and well-being. Grounding and breathing exercises: The key to processing traumatic memories Grounding techniques and targeted

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Bibliothek, library, Wissenschaftler, scientst, alte Bücher, antique books

Religion and childhood trauma 06: Doubt and faith

Doubt – critical power or heresy? Introduction In the “Religion and Childhood Trauma” series, we have previously explored how deeply religious beliefs and practices affect children’s early development and psychological well-being. So far, it has been about: faith and fear guilt and atonement shame and the sacred authority and autonomy inclusion and exclusion Doubt can

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Figuren, figures, sand

Religion and childhood trauma 05: inclusion and exclusion

The role of the community in religions: Refuge or dungeon Introduction In the “Religion and Childhood Trauma” series, we have previously explored how deeply religious beliefs and practices intervene in children’s early development and psychological well-being. So far, it has been about: Faith and fear, Guilt and atonement, Shame and the sacred, and Authority and

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goldenes Buch, golden book, talisman, Amulett

Religion and childhood trauma 04: between authority and autonomy

Gehorsam und Selbstbestimmung in der kindlichen Entwicklung Rückblick auf die bisherige Serie In unserer fortlaufenden Serie „Religion und Kindheitstrauma“ haben wir untersucht, wie tief religiöse Überzeugungen und Praktiken in die frühe Entwicklung und das psychologische Wohlbefinden von Kindern eingreifen. Die Themen reichten von den prägenden Einflüssen des Heiligen und der Scham über die verstrickten Beziehungen

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in Stein gehauene Frauen, lange Haare, verhüllt, antiker Tempeleingang, women carved in stone, long hair, cloaked, ancient temple entrance

Religion and childhood trauma 03: shame and the sacred

The sacred and child development Introduction In various belief systems, concepts of shame and the sacred are at the centre of religious experiences and related to ethics. The sacred is defined by the existence of incorporeal, supernatural forces that are assumed by religions. These forces can be personal or impersonal, such as deities, spirits or

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Nebel, fog, Landschaft, landscape, Person, person, Schädel, skull, Einsamkeit, loneliness

Religion and childhood trauma 02: guilt and atonement

Sin and guilt – psychological effects on children Introduction It is essential to talk about the psychological impact of religious upbringing on children. Religion has an effect on individual ethical values and even on the legal system in some societies to the point of deriving jurisprudence directly from religious norms. Terms: sin, guilt and atonement

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TV-Bildschirme, tv screens, Person, person

Shame and guilt: public shaming in the media

An addendum about the current public shaming situation I recently received the following enquiry from a freelance journalist: “… Dear Dr Stemper, I am working on a book about shame and its role in today’s society. The basis for this is a detailed article of mine that was published last year… The last part of

Shame and guilt: public shaming in the media Read More »

Vorhang curtain, Maske, masque, Gespenst, spectre

Religion and childhood trauma 01: faith and fear

Faith under the magnifying glass: religion as a cause of childhood trauma Introduction The relationship between religion, childhood trauma, fear and faith is very complex. Religion was originally intended to calm the fear of the unknowable and uncontrollable. This fear is one of the most primal and powerful human emotions. Fear of the unknown is

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Gespenstische Figur, weißes Tuch, christlicher Altar, gotische Bögen, religiöse Ikonografie, Ghostly figure, white cloth, Christian altar, gothic arches, religious iconography

Religion and childhood trauma 00: an introduction

Healing the shadows of religious trauma in childhood: A comprehensive Introduction This introduction is opening a series exploring the complex topic of religion and childhood trauma. Each post will highlight a different aspect. 1.Faith and fear – The tension between fear and faith? 2. Guilt and atonement – the tension between transgression and forgiveness. 3.

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