Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy

REBT and cognitive behaviour theory

66450493762f2220671669 - From harsh self-criticism to self-compassion

From harsh self-criticism to self-compassion

Self-compassion – the path to inner peace Imagine this: You make a small mistake at work and suddenly a wave of devastating self-criticism washes over you. Does this sound familiar? You’re not alone – studies show that up to 80% of people regularly suffer from destructive self-criticism. But there is a better way: self-compassion. In […]

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Löffel, spoons

The Spoon Theory

The Spoon Theory: An understanding of energy management in chronic diseases The Spoon Theory, developed by Christine Miserandino, creatively describes the daily challenges faced by people with chronic illnesses and limited energy. Using the example of ‘spoons’ as strength units, she shows how those affected must consciously plan their activities to avoid overexertion. This simple

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Mobile Apps

The Addiction Economy: psychological and social effects

The addiction economy – how modern business models exploit our psyche Introduction The addiction economy thrives on addictive design – the creation of appealing digital products and services that capture users’ attention. Findings from psychology and behavioural science are used in such a way that they bind users to them as strongly as possible, leading

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Ein gelbes Smiley-Gesicht auf einem lebendigen, abstrakten Hintergrund aus Blau- und Orangetönen. Der Smiley wirkt glücklich und fröhlich, während der Hintergrund eine Mischung aus dynamischen und chaotischen Farben zeigt, was einen Kontrast zwischen oberflächlicher Positivität und komplexen Emotionen darstellt.

Toxic positivity

When too much optimism does harm Introduction Toxic positivity describes an attitude that only allows positive feelings and thoughts but ignores or devalues negative emotions. While healthy positivity, i.e. optimism, maintains a positive view of situations and accepts negative experiences as part of life, toxic positivity leads to emotional stress and psychological problems. This form

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Religion und Kindheitstrauma, Nacht, Bäume, Mond,  Religion and childhood trauma, night, trees, moon,

Religion and childhood trauma 07 Healing and growth 2/2

Paths to emotional recovery and self-compassion The complete collection of self-help exercises for dealing with childhood trauma through religion would have been too extensive for a single post. Therefore, here is a continuation of the previous post on the topic. In the “Religion and Childhood Trauma” series, we have previously explored how deeply religious beliefs

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Steinvase, Kirschblüte, Zweig, stone vase, cherry blossom twig

Religion and childhood trauma 07 Healing and growth 1/2

Paths to Emotional Recovery and Self-Compassion 1. Introduction: religious trauma and self-help In the “Religion and Childhood Trauma” series, we have previously explored how deeply religious beliefs and practices affect children’s early development and psychological well-being. So far, it has been about: Faith and fear Guilt and atonement Shame and the sacred Authority and autonomy

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Overcoming self-loathing: Ways to more self-worth and inner peace

Self-Loathing: Understanding and Overcoming Inner Struggles Self-loathing, or self-hatred, is a pervasive and destructive emotion characterized by an intense dislike of oneself. It can manifest as a constant feeling of worthlessness, self-criticism, and an inability to accept oneself. This emotional state can lead to various mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and a diminished sense

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goldenes Buch, golden book, talisman, Amulett

Religion and childhood trauma 04: between authority and autonomy

Gehorsam und Selbstbestimmung in der kindlichen Entwicklung Rückblick auf die bisherige Serie In unserer fortlaufenden Serie „Religion und Kindheitstrauma“ haben wir untersucht, wie tief religiöse Überzeugungen und Praktiken in die frühe Entwicklung und das psychologische Wohlbefinden von Kindern eingreifen. Die Themen reichten von den prägenden Einflüssen des Heiligen und der Scham über die verstrickten Beziehungen

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Tasse, cup, Untertasse, saucer, Kintzugi, Wasabi

Overcoming toxic shame: a guide to maintaining a positive self-image

Permanently free from toxic shame: pathways to sustaining a positive self-image Introduction Toxic shame has a profound effect on self-image. After successfully overcoming it, self-compassion and a focus on personal strengths and successes are important. Treat yourself kindly and warmly for self-compassion, respect yourself and encourage yourself. Gestures such as placing a hand gently on

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Megaphon, Politiker, Schafe

Shaming 2/2 – The changing nature of public shaming and its impact on society

Navigating the Landscape of Public Shaming: Strategies for Resilience Introduction Following last week’s post on the history of public shaming, the following blog post aims to develop a psychological understanding of these complex issues by exploring the psychological roots as well as the social and political implications of public shaming. It is intended to provide

Shaming 2/2 – The changing nature of public shaming and its impact on society Read More »