Tasse, cup, Untertasse, saucer, Kintzugi, Wasabi

Overcoming toxic shame: a guide to maintaining a positive self-image

Permanently free from toxic shame: pathways to sustaining a positive self-imagePermanently free from toxic shame: pathways to sustaining a positive self-imageIntroduction1 Positive thoughts as the key to strengthening your self-imageTransforming beliefs: from negative to positive2 The pillars of self-identity post-shame: authenticity and confidenceHarnessing emotional intelligence: emotions as your guideFoundational values and norms: building your inner […]

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Schach, Fenster, Lost Places

Overcoming toxic shame: a path to healthy identity and self-worth

Strategies for overcoming toxic shameStrategies for overcoming toxic shameIntroduction to toxic shameFoundations for a healthy identity and self-esteemCognitive skills and emotion regulationIdentity and individuation developmentWork on yourselfTherapeutic strategies and techniquesPsychodynamic strategiesCognitive-behavioural therapeutic strategiesSchema therapy strategiesSelf-forgiveness and self-acceptanceSelf-help strategistsPractical application and exercisesConclusion Introduction to toxic shame Toxic shame is a profound emotional experience that harms self-image.

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Megaphon, Politiker, Schafe

Shaming 2/2 – The changing nature of public shaming and its impact on society

Navigating the Landscape of Public Shaming: Strategies for ResilienceNavigating the Landscape of Public Shaming: Strategies for ResilienceIntroductionDefinitions and demarcationsPersonal shamingPolitical shamingShaming narratives and power structuresThe Psychology Behind Shaming: Power, Insecurity, and the Need for ControlPowerAlibiUncertaintyEnemy imagesCraving for recognitionPracticeExercises Introduction Following last week’s post on the history of public shaming, the following blog post aims to

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Eiserne Maske, Schandmaske, iron mask, mask of shame, öffentliche Beschämung, public shaming

Public shaming and its impact on society 1/2- the evolution of public shame

Public shaming: from the Middle Ages to the Digital EraPublic shaming: from the Middle Ages to the Digital EraIntroductionSocial aspects of shameIndividual aspects of shameThe connection between interpersonal shame and social/individual aspectsThe history of public shamingCodex HammurabiOld Testament interpretation of the lawAntiquityThe penal societyStandards and shaming of deviationPsychopoliticsThe surveillance and nanny stateThe role of social

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toxische Scham, toxic shame, Mann, man, Rauch, smoke, T-Shirt

Toxic shame: understanding and overcoming its effects

The profound impact of toxic shameThe profound impact of toxic shameIntroduction: The nature of toxic shameChildhood trauma: mechanisms of toxic shameOther mechanismsBasic beliefs in toxic shameBehavioural patterns for toxic shameCoping behaviour for toxic shameEffects of toxic shamePsychological effectsMental illnessesPhysical healthGeneral well-beingConclusionExercises1. Letter to your inner child2. “Healthy adult” meditation anchor3. Self-care ritual4. Gratitude diary Introduction:

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Mann, Man, Bett, Bed, Scham, Shame

Toxic Shame: Hidden Roots, Visible Impact

Psychological and social roots of shamePsychological and social roots of shameIntroductionOrigins of shameNeurobiology of shamePsychological and social aspects of shameSocial roots of toxic shamePsychological roots of shameToxic shameFundamental beliefs and patterns of behaviour and experience of shameEffects of Toxic ShamePsychotherapy for toxic shameExercisesConclusion Introduction Imagine your every action and thought being constantly judged by an

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Scham, shame, facial expressions, manual, psychiatry, Gesichtausdruck, Lehrbuch, Psychiatrie

Shame: A journey through history, light and shadow

Scham – eine EinführungScham – eine EinführungEinleitungScham in der GeschichteKonzepte der SchamBerühmte BeispieleVincent van GoghVirginia WoolfFrida KahloLudwig van BeethovenSylvia PlathDie helle Seite SchamPersönliches WachstumSozialer ZusammenhaltEmpathie und VerständnisDie dunkle Seite der SchamPsychische ProblemeSoziale FolgenSelbstschädigende VerhaltensweisenScham und PerfektionismusWie kann toxische Scham von gesunder Scham unterschieden werden?Zusammenfassung und Schlussfolgerung Einleitung Scham ist ein Gefühl, das so alt ist

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Gesichter, Scham, faces, shame

The faces of shame

Die Vielschichtigkeit der Scham: Einblicke und Fragen zur BewältigungDie Vielschichtigkeit der Scham: Einblicke und Fragen zur BewältigungSchamauslöserSchamgefühleSchambewältigungFragen zur SelbstreflexionSchlussfolgerung:   Scham wird in verschiedenen Weisen definiert. Léon Wurmser stellt in Die Masken der Scham – Die Psychoanalyse von Schamaffekten und Schamkonflikten fest, dass Scham ein uraltes Gefühl ist und eine wichtige Abwehr gegenüber anderen Gefühlen

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Scham, Schuld, Gesicht, Augen, Finger, shame, guilt, face, eyes, fingers,

Shame and guilt: definitions, similarities and differences

Shame and guiltShame and guiltDefinitionsShame and guilt: similaritiesShame and guilt: differencesSources Shame and guilt are two different reactions to misbehaviour or in relation to oneself. The similarities and differences between shame and guilt are described below. Definitions Shame “Shame” refers to the feeling of embarrassment or humiliation caused by a perceived failure, inadequacy or violation

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Baum, Hügel, Traum, Landschaft

Maladaptive Daydreaming: Understanding, Treating and Overcoming – A Comprehensive Guide

All about maladaptive daydreaming (MD): causes, therapies and self-help strategiesAll about maladaptive daydreaming (MD): causes, therapies and self-help strategiesDefinitionsMind Wandering (MW)DefinitionUnconscious processShort-term and randomMaladaptive daydreaming (MD)DefinitionConscious and controlled processLong-term and thematically focussedComparisonOrdinariness vs. intensitySpontaneity vs. structureShort-term distraction vs. long-term behaviourIntroductionMaladaptive daydreaming and its connection to other disordersMaladaptive daydreaming and addictionSimilarities in dynamicsReinforcement and dependenceAdverse effects

Maladaptive Daydreaming: Understanding, Treating and Overcoming – A Comprehensive Guide Read More »