
toxische Scham, toxic shame, Mann, man, Rauch, smoke, T-Shirt

Toxic shame: understanding and overcoming its effects

The profound impact of toxic shame Introduction: The nature of toxic shame Toxic shame is an intense feeling of inferiority and of not being enough. It is a paralysing and pervasive form of shame that is deeply ingrained in the self-image of those affected. It is characterised by feelings of worthlessness, inadequacy and self-loathing. Unlike […]

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Mann, Man, Bett, Bed, Scham, Shame

Toxic Shame: Hidden Roots, Visible Impact

Psychological and social roots of shame Introduction Imagine your every action and thought being constantly judged by an unseen audience. Such constant judgement will lead to a deep-rooted sense of shame that questions your very self. That is toxic shame. Shame is a universal feeling that we all recognise. But when it turns into the

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Scham, shame, facial expressions, manual, psychiatry, Gesichtausdruck, Lehrbuch, Psychiatrie

Shame: A journey through history, light and shadow

Scham – eine Einführung Einleitung Scham ist ein Gefühl, das so alt ist wie die Menschheit selbst und dessen Verständnis sich im Laufe der Zeit erheblich gewandelt hat. Von den antiken Gesellschaften, die Scham eng mit Ehre verknüpften, bis hin zur modernen Psychologie, die sie als selbstbezogene Emotion untersucht, bietet dieser Begriff einen faszinierenden Einblick

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Gesichter, Scham, faces, shame

The faces of shame

Die Vielschichtigkeit der Scham: Einblicke und Fragen zur Bewältigung   Scham wird in verschiedenen Weisen definiert. Léon Wurmser stellt in Die Masken der Scham – Die Psychoanalyse von Schamaffekten und Schamkonflikten fest, dass Scham ein uraltes Gefühl ist und eine wichtige Abwehr gegenüber anderen Gefühlen darstellt. Scham wird oft mit Schwäche, Makeln und Schande assoziiert.

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Scham, Schuld, Gesicht, Augen, Finger, shame, guilt, face, eyes, fingers,

Shame and guilt: definitions, similarities and differences

Shame and guilt Shame and guilt are two different reactions to misbehaviour or in relation to oneself. The similarities and differences between shame and guilt are described below. Definitions Shame “Shame” refers to the feeling of embarrassment or humiliation caused by a perceived failure, inadequacy or violation of social norms. It involves a negative evaluation

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Baum, Hügel, Traum, Landschaft

Maladaptive Daydreaming: Understanding, Treating and Overcoming – A Comprehensive Guide

All about maladaptive daydreaming (MD): causes, therapies and self-help strategies Maladaptive daydreaming (MD) is an intense form of immersion in dream content accompanied by an exuberant imagination and the tendency to regularly escape from the present into inner images and imaginary worlds over long periods. This tendency is the fundamental characteristic of maladaptive daydreaming. It

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Katze, gelber Strickpullover, kitten, knitted yellow sweater

Childhood trauma: allowing closeness – a holistic approach

Alain de Botton on closeness – a guide to overcoming toxic feelings of shame and guilt I. Introduction    – Alain de Botton on proximity When toxic feelings of shame and guilt make trust and closeness impossible, Alain de Botton, a renowned philosopher and author, offers profound insights into closeness. That topic occupies a central

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eternal not

Childhood Trauma: “The Art of Loving”

Life help from Erich Fromm Introduction “Is love an art?” asked the psychoanalyst and philosopher Erich Fromm in 1956 and developed his theory of love in response. He analysed who, why and how we love. The book also looked at the disintegration of love in contemporary Western society, and his thoughts on this have lost

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young child sitting in a garden looking skywards Kleinkind in einem Garten umgeben von Blumen mit dem Blick zum Himmel

Childhood Trauma: understanding and overcoming rage in cPTSD

Childhood Trauma: understanding and overcoming rage in cPTSD. This post will overview the causes, symptoms, and possible coping strategies of rage in cPTSD. Through a deeper understanding of rage in childhood trauma, affected individuals can learn to understand and regulate their rage better. The aim is to help sufferers overcome their rage and regain control

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young child sitting in a garden looking skywards Kleinkind in einem Garten umgeben von Blumen mit dem Blick zum Himmel

Childhood trauma – forms: These are the most important cPTSD symptoms

Childhood trauma – cPTSD Symptoms Childhood trauma (cPTSD) as a result of abuse and neglect leads to manifold disorders in a wide variety of areas, especially in the control of emotions, self-perception, sexuality or the shaping of relationships. In addition, there are changes in self-perception and personal values and beliefs within the framework of a

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