

Temperament – definition

Temperament: definition = the predominant type and the individual peculiarity of the course of mental processes. Temperament is an individual pattern of emotional, physical and attentional responses to sights, sounds, smells, tastes, touch, etc., as well as a typical pattern of self-regulation of emotions, behaviour and attention. Temperament: history Since the ancient medicine of Hippocrates

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young child sitting in a garden looking skywards Kleinkind in einem Garten umgeben von Blumen mit dem Blick zum Himmel

Childhood trauma – forms: These are the most important cPTSD symptoms

Childhood trauma – cPTSD Symptoms Childhood trauma (cPTSD) as a result of abuse and neglect leads to manifold disorders in a wide variety of areas, especially in the control of emotions, self-perception, sexuality or the shaping of relationships. In addition, there are changes in self-perception and personal values and beliefs within the framework of a

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Non-Striving Zen Stones

Year in review: Being alive is a wonderful gift

The year is drawing to a close — time for a review of the year and a look ahead. If I’m not certain how long I will live, I want to do everything I can to be in tune with my values.  When people need help to survive, I want to help as many people

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Childhood Trauma, Kindheitstrauma, Four F, Vier F, cPTSD

Childhood trauma forms: unwanted children and their reactions

Childhood trauma forms: when children learn that they are not wanted Children are completely dependent on the people around them. If a child must learn that it is not wanted by parents or primary caretakers, it cannot interpret that situation as abusive. In a child’s world, people cannot be bad and evil at the same

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young child sitting in a garden looking skywards Kleinkind in einem Garten umgeben von Blumen mit dem Blick zum Himmel

Childhood trauma reactions – what happens in the brain during extreme fear

Childhood trauma responses: Neurobiology To understand what childhood trauma reactions do in the brain, we need to understand what trauma is in the first place. For example, subjective conditions must also be distinguished in addition to objective conditions. A situation is objectively traumatic if the event caused extreme stress for most people, an armed robbery,

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Childhood Trauma, Kindheitstrauma, Four F, Vier F, cPTSD

Childhood trauma – the Four Fs, reactions of helpless children

The Four Fs: Fight, flight, freeze and fawn As we learn more complex reactions to others during childhood and adolescence, and as children, we have no way of understanding abuse of any kind, it is no surprise that infants and children show trauma reactions which we share with our animal ancestors: the Four Fs. With animals, a

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Childhood trauma: thought-stopping against shame and fear

Thought-Stopping: stop your inner critic in his tracks A constant stream of thoughts, worries, perceptions, and information rushes through our minds like “internal noise.” Occasionally, we must interrupt this noise flow, particularly if it turns into vicious attacks from a toxic inner critic. A technique called thought-stopping can interrupt any chain of unwanted, nagging thoughts. 

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