

Mentalisation – Definition

Mentalisation – Definition Mentalisation – Definition = the ability to make sense of our own actions and communication, als well as those of others, in tems of intentions, wishes, desires and feelings. This ability is important in enabling us to regulate our emotions and impulses and in developing fulfilling, meaningful relationships. Mentalisation Base Therapy (MBT) is a psychotherapy to improve this ability. Who […]

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young child sitting in a garden looking skywards Kleinkind in einem Garten umgeben von Blumen mit dem Blick zum Himmel

Childhood trauma (cPTSD) – definition

Developmental trauma disorder definition Childhood trauma disorder (cPTSD)- definition = Consequence of serious traumatic stress in childhood through real sexual abuse or aggressive abuse that lead to strong psychological distress, including, among other things: Helplessness Powerlessness Hopelessness and the feeling of being overwhelmed by these affects Next to these trauma consequences, children’s fantasies add to

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Childhood Trauma, Kindheitstrauma, Four F, Vier F, cPTSD

Anxiety Affects – Understanding Childhood Fears and Anxieties

Anxiety Affects Understanding Childhood Fears and Anxieties Anxiety Affects -Understanding Childhood Fears and Anxieties If the child’s developmental needs are not met or refused by the parents or another caregiver in a way, that is appropriate for the child’s self and in a realistic framework, so-called pathogenic conflicts arise between conflicting impulses, which in the

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Affect Smiley Emoticon

Affect – Definition

Affect definition Affect – definition = general term for feelings and emotions. It describes an intense, relatively short-lasting feeling, in contrast to the long-lasting “mood”. In the broadest sense, it can mean any emotional impulse (emotions). Affect – structure Affects include a) an expressive component with facial expressions and vocalisations b) a physiological component of

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Neurosis Difference Board

Neurosis – Definition

Neurosis definition-[/whohit | Neurosis – definition Neuroses are a group of psychogenic diseases with either (a) Psychological symptoms or (b) Somatic disorders or (c) Impairment of certain areas of personality. Neurosis: psychological symptoms Fears Constraints Depression Histrionic behaviours Neurosis: somatic disorders Psychosomatic disorders Neurosis: impairment of personality areas Inhibitions Self-uncertainty Emotional lability Sigmund Freud defined

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Alexithymia Blinde Elefant

Alexithymia – Definition

Alexithymia Alexithymia = Emotional blindness; inability to adequately perceive your own feelings and describe them in words Synonyms: infantile personality, pensée operatoire, emotional coldness, less often emotional dyslexia Causes: lacking symbolisation ability due to inadequate early mother-child relationship with the consequence of either insufficient differentiation of sensitivity to feelings (affects), or intrapsychic defense after previously

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Psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud

Psychoanalysis: principles and how it works

Psychoanalysis: principles and functionality- [/ whohit] Psychoanalysis (standard procedure) “Psychoanalysis is a psychological theory, cultural theory, psychotherapeutic treatment and self-experience method that was founded by the Viennese neurologist Sigmund Freud around 1890. The various schools of deep psychology later developed from psychoanalysis.” (Wikipedia) Psychoanalysis: principles Psychoanalysis works “psychodynamically and encourages regression”. I.e. The core of

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Hypochondria Holzfigur Steine

Hypochondriacal Disorder – Definition

[whohit-Hypochondriacal Disorder Definition Hypochondriacal Disorder = persistent excessive fear of suffering from a serious physical illness, although no organic cause can be found for the largely unspecific physical symptoms. (ICD 10 F45.2) Synonym: DSM-5 “Disease Anxiety Disorder” Etymology: The term hypochondria was derived from the assumption that these were disorders of organs “under the ribs”

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