
TV-Bildschirme, tv screens, Person, person

Shame and guilt: public shaming in the media

An addendum about the current public shaming situation I recently received the following enquiry from a freelance journalist: “… Dear Dr Stemper, I am working on a book about shame and its role in today’s society. The basis for this is a detailed article of mine that was published last year… The last part of […]

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Vorhang curtain, Maske, masque, Gespenst, spectre

Religion and childhood trauma 01: faith and fear

Faith under the magnifying glass: religion as a cause of childhood trauma Introduction The relationship between religion, childhood trauma, fear and faith is very complex. Religion was originally intended to calm the fear of the unknowable and uncontrollable. This fear is one of the most primal and powerful human emotions. Fear of the unknown is

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Gespenstische Figur, weißes Tuch, christlicher Altar, gotische Bögen, religiöse Ikonografie, Ghostly figure, white cloth, Christian altar, gothic arches, religious iconography

Religion and childhood trauma 00: an introduction

Healing the shadows of religious trauma in childhood: A comprehensive Introduction This introduction is opening a series exploring the complex topic of religion and childhood trauma. Each post will highlight a different aspect. 1.Faith and fear – The tension between fear and faith? 2. Guilt and atonement – the tension between transgression and forgiveness. 3.

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Tasse, cup, Untertasse, saucer, Kintzugi, Wasabi

Overcoming toxic shame: a guide to maintaining a positive self-image

Permanently free from toxic shame: pathways to sustaining a positive self-image Introduction Toxic shame has a profound effect on self-image. After successfully overcoming it, self-compassion and a focus on personal strengths and successes are important. Treat yourself kindly and warmly for self-compassion, respect yourself and encourage yourself. Gestures such as placing a hand gently on

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Schach, Fenster, Lost Places

Overcoming toxic shame: a path to healthy identity and self-worth

Strategies for overcoming toxic shame Introduction to toxic shame Toxic shame is a profound emotional experience that harms self-image. It goes beyond simple shame and leads to long-term psychological problems. Foundations for a healthy identity and self-esteem Overcoming this involves developing a holistic view of oneself and a healthy sense of self-worth. Several prerequisites are

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Megaphon, Politiker, Schafe

Shaming 2/2 – The changing nature of public shaming and its impact on society

Navigating the Landscape of Public Shaming: Strategies for Resilience Introduction Following last week’s post on the history of public shaming, the following blog post aims to develop a psychological understanding of these complex issues by exploring the psychological roots as well as the social and political implications of public shaming. It is intended to provide

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Eiserne Maske, Schandmaske, iron mask, mask of shame, öffentliche Beschämung, public shaming

Public shaming and its impact on society 1/2- the evolution of public shame

Public shaming: from the Middle Ages to the Digital Era Introduction Shame is a profound, interpersonal emotion that encompasses both individual and social aspects and is a central human experience. It is an emotional response that is closely linked to the perception of the self by others and the fear of social rejection. Shame can

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toxische Scham, toxic shame, Mann, man, Rauch, smoke, T-Shirt

Toxic shame: understanding and overcoming its effects

The profound impact of toxic shame Introduction: The nature of toxic shame Toxic shame is an intense feeling of inferiority and of not being enough. It is a paralysing and pervasive form of shame that is deeply ingrained in the self-image of those affected. It is characterised by feelings of worthlessness, inadequacy and self-loathing. Unlike

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Mann, Man, Bett, Bed, Scham, Shame

Toxic Shame: Hidden Roots, Visible Impact

Psychological and social roots of shame Introduction Imagine your every action and thought being constantly judged by an unseen audience. Such constant judgement will lead to a deep-rooted sense of shame that questions your very self. That is toxic shame. Shame is a universal feeling that we all recognise. But when it turns into the

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Scham, shame, facial expressions, manual, psychiatry, Gesichtausdruck, Lehrbuch, Psychiatrie

Shame: A journey through history, light and shadow

Scham – eine Einführung Einleitung Scham ist ein Gefühl, das so alt ist wie die Menschheit selbst und dessen Verständnis sich im Laufe der Zeit erheblich gewandelt hat. Von den antiken Gesellschaften, die Scham eng mit Ehre verknüpften, bis hin zur modernen Psychologie, die sie als selbstbezogene Emotion untersucht, bietet dieser Begriff einen faszinierenden Einblick

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