
fashion girl lady

Be a lady they said

“Be a Lady They Said” Be a lady they said. Your skirt is too short. Your shirt is too low. Your pants are too tight. Don’t show so much skin. Don’t show your thighs. Don’t show your breasts. Don’t show your midriff. Don’t show your cleavage. Don’t show your underwear. Don’t show your shoulders. Cover […]

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Fragments Borderline disorder

Borderline disorder – parent’s guide

Borderline disorder – parent’s guide Feeling like giving up, for being hated one day and loved without limits the next, is what parents usually account about their children with borderline traits. For families dealing with a Borderline disorder – diagnosis, this feeling is all too familiar. The constant waves of intense feeling and acts can

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Obsessed by eating right – Orthorexia nervosa

Obsessed by eating right – Orthorexia nervosa Obsessed by eating right – Orthorexia nervosa Orthorexia nervosa – definition = the compulsive fixation on the exclusive consumption of foods that are subjectively assessed as healthy, while at the same time avoiding “unhealthy” foods. The consequences can be distress, malnutrition, underweight and mental instability. Orthorexia nervosa is

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Smartphone Addiction Frog Facebook

Smartphone Addiction – Definition

Smartphone Addiction Definition Smartphone addiction – definition   = a pathological fear of not having access to a mobile phone (A particular form of it, the “Over-connection syndrome” occurs, when mobile phone use reduces the amount of social and family interactions while favouring virtual connectivity.) Smartphone addiction – importance In How To Break Up With

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Ketten Zwangsstörung OCD

Obsessive-compulsive disorder – Definition

Obsessive compulsive disorder Obsessive-compulsive disorder   = at least 2 weeks of recurring and persistent ideas, thoughts, impulses and behaviors, that impose themselves against internal resistance are experienced as nonsensical, exaggerated or excruciating by those affected and lead to significant impairment in everyday functions (more than 1 hour / day). (ICD10 F42) Obsessional thoughts are

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Psychlogical Trauma Mental Health

Psychological trauma

Psychological trauma Psychological trauma A psychological trauma is an event that massively overwhelms the integration of perceptions,  feelings and thoughts triggered thereby. By destroying inner cohesion, fear and helplessness are flooding us and override our defenses. (On the other hand, loneliness, worry and tension, if they become permanent, can lead to exhaustion.) Phase progression of a

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