66450493762f2220671669 - The inner compass

The inner compass


We are confronted with various stressors on a daily basis. This blog post is about the inner compass that helps us to remain stable and balanced even in turbulent times.

The inner compass for self-management with values

Values give us a clear direction and enable us to remain steadfast even in difficult times. A clear alignment with personal values creates an inner compass that serves as a guide in difficult times and strengthens resilience.

How the inner compass helps

The inner compass enables you to make conscious decisions that are in line with your own values.
Those who know themselves and respect their values are more resilient in the face of negative events.
A reliable inner compass helps you to remain calm and focussed even in stressful situations.

Practical exercises to strengthen your inner compass

Clearly define your personal values, which should serve as a guide for your actions.
Regularly reflect on your decisions and actions with regard to your values.
Remain flexible and adapt your value guidelines to new situations if necessary.
Utilise external resources, such as online courses on self-leadership and value guidelines from reputable companies like Microsoft, to develop your skills.

Techniques to support values-based self-leadership

Mindfulness exercises, such as meditation, help to recognise and consciously let go of negative emotions.
Breathing techniques can support the regulation of emotions and help to calm down.
Keeping an emotion journal makes it possible to better understand emotions and recognise patterns.
Cognitive restructuring helps to identify and change negative thought patterns.

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